Before I start, I want to let you know that the notes I took for this show were not nearly as detailed as the notes I took for the D.O.A. show. I didn't want to be attached to my Blackberry typing the whole time, especially since the crowd was light and I would stick out like a sore thumb. Eventhough it was a light crowd, it was a great show. Shout out to Walt and the rest of True Blue Promotions for putting together a kick ass line-up.
These guys came up from just outside of Philly with their lead guitarist filling in on vocals. If he wouldn't have told the crowd that, I would have never known the lead singer was in Belize and he was just covering. Their songs were quick and had great breakdowns. I'm eager to hear more of them.
Sicker Than Most
I wasn't really too fond of these guys. They had two guitar players (one looked a helluva lot like Toby Morse from H2O) and no bass player. There were moments that they sounded pretty good, but reverted back to the generic tough guy sound that they had in every single one of their songs. Couldn't understand a single one of their lyrics with the way the lead singer growled into the mic. I was planning on picking up their demo to give them a listen and see if this was just a bad show for them, but I forgot to grab one before we left.
Not Without a Fight
To say that Not Without a Fight's set started off with a few minor bumps, would be a serious understatement. They got all set up, and the bass cut out (Copout loaned them a bass). Once the bass issue was ironed out, the guitar cut out. After getting this problem fixed, their set finally started. While the length of time it took for them to start to actually play was frustrating for everyone involved, they played an extremely tight set. They sounded as good as they ever have, which considering how drunk they were (they admitted it several times each between songs) was a feat in itself. The crowd reacted positively to them, with dancing going on throughout. Pick up their full length CD at either one of their up-coming shows, or at Compact Disc Center in Bethlehem. I plan on it.
Razorblade Handgrenade
What can I say about Razorblade Handgrenade's set? They were fucking amazing. I've seen them once before and thought they were great then, but that was nothing compared to this time. Unfortunately there weren't many people upstairs to see them which sucked, but they still played their asses off. Their "stage" show is great, and they put everything they have into it. Their CD is great (it will be a CD a Day at some point in the near future), but their live show is even better. They have a couple of up-coming shows that unfortunately I can't make it to, but the next time they have a show that I can be at, bet your ass that I will be there.
Billy Club Sandwich
BCS was fucking amazing. As soon as they started playing, the crowd erupted (since every body came back upstairs to see them). They played a hard driving set and had their foot on the gas pedal from the first guitar riff. I've never been hit in the chest any where close to as hard as that tattooed girl hit me (she did it twice by the way). Walt told me the BCS was good, but tehy exceeded my expectations. Again, they are playing a few shows in the near future that I can't make it to, but I will be seeing them again as soon as I can.
Check out next weeks show at the Burner's and keep your eyes peeled for my write up on that one.