Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Pics from the Punk Rock Picnic
Monday, August 30, 2010
Video a Day #3 - Poison Idea "Marked for Life"
Upcoming Area Shows

Video a Day #2 - The Casualties "We Are All We Have"
Friday, August 27, 2010
Ambergris "This Blows EP" (2010)

Video a Day #1 - Dead Kennedys - Nazi Punks Fuck Off
2010 Punk Rock Picnic

Summer Hardcore Picnic in the Park returns to Emmaus
Andy Silfies didn't expect to have another picnic. He went to last year's Summer Hardcore Picnic in the Park to enjoy a one-time reunion of some of the Lehigh Valley's oldest punk bands, not thinking it could become anything like a tradition.
"It was going to be a once-and-done thing last year," Silfies says.
But something happened that the organizers didn't plan for. The Summertime Hardcore Picnic in the Park was a hit. The nine-hour festival took place Aug. 8, 2009, at Emmaus Community Park. Silfies, who was not one of the original organizers, estimates 150 to 200 people showed up.
"It was almost like a family thing," he says. "That's why I wanted to continue it."
Borough officials, who were hesitant at first, embraced the event, Silfies says. After the picnic, they put a DVD of the show in a time capsule, he says, and were happy to host the picnic another year.
Starting 12:30 p.m. Saturday, 10 bands will perform at the second annual Punk Rock Summer Picnic at Emmaus Community Park's Performing Arts Pavilion.
Admission for the all-ages picnic is the same as last year's: a nonperishable food donation for Second Harvest Food Bank of Lehigh Valley and Northeast Pennsylvania. In 2009, 700 pounds of food were donated, according to Ann McManus, the food bank's director.
After the 2009 picnic, Silfies says, it made sense to try to repeat the success.
"Everybody had such a good time that everyone wanted to have it happen again this year," Silfies says.
He didn't have much trouble finding acts. Within hours of getting the message out that he would put on another punk picnic in 2010, Silfies had bands volunteering to perform.
"I put something out there on Facebook and the bands did the work for me," he says.
In some cases, Silfies reached out to bands he wanted to play. Cody Short, a drummer with the band Walter Krug, says Silfies approached them about performing Saturday.
Short was only too happy to get Walter Krug together again. The group, which includes Short's brother, Jesse, was most active in the mid- to late 1990s, Cody Short says.
Walter Krug plays fast, lighthearted songs like "The Ballad of Luke," a song about Luke Skywalker that's as much a ballad as "Anarchy in the U.K."
Short, of Philadelphia, says Saturday's show will be his band's first in quite some time. Their last show was two months ago; before that, about five years, Short estimates. Though Short doesn't live in the Lehigh Valley anymore, he's eager to play in the band again.
"I really like playing with these guys," he says.
Other bands are comparatively new to the punk scene. Bad American just put out their first album, a 7-inch self-titled EP. But singer Ray Gurz, of Emmaus, has been a part of the Lehigh Valley punk scene for years as a member of Tile, Carpenter Ant and other bands. Bad American has a sound like the hardcore punk bands Black Flag or Fang, Gurz says.
"We did have a really good following," Gurz says of Carpenter Ant.
Gurz has been around long enough to see how interest in the local music scene ebbs and flows.
"It's hot for a while and then there'll be a five-year lull" before some new kids start running things again, he says.
Gurz is hopeful Saturday's picnic will help get more people involved. The 2009 concert had a stronger showing than he expected, he says.
"Surprisingly it was a very good turnout," Gurz says.
Silfies says he tried to get more than just hardcore punk bands into the lineup so people get a little variety. People including Silfies.
"If I have to listen to nine hours of punk, I might jump off a cliff," he says.
Silfies moved the date from early August to the end of the month so the event wouldn't interfere with vacations. It also marks the end of summer, he says.
Some of the bands might not slow down their sound but Silfies says the dynamic has changed now that many of the performers are older.
"There's a lot more tired people on stage after 10 minutes," he says.
Adam Richter can be reached at 610-258-7171 or arichter@express-times.com. Talk about entertainment at lehighvalleylive.com/forums.
Also, here's the lineup for tomorrow.battering ram 1-130
damn dirty apes 145-215
beings 230-300
florence and libby 315-345
bad american 4-430
dead end drive 445-515
slamhounds 530-600
break for some punk rock kareoke- 6-630
track nines 9formerly black 5's, and the lofis) 630-7
ambergris 715-745
walter krug 8-830
cleanup 830-9
Thursday, August 26, 2010
H2O on a mothaf*ckin' Boat!

Yeah I know this show happened on Sunday, and yeah I know that today is Thursday. I've been debating with myself on what exactly to write about this show. H2O has been around for years, and to simply talk about how good the show was wouldn't do them justice. Obviously they put on a good show, or they wouldn't still be around. It was a good show -- no, fuck that, it was a GREAT show. Now that that's out of the way, lets get into some of my observations.
Ryan Bland of Home 33 on the upcoming Flashback Fest!
Home 33 @ Flashback Fest OCT 8TH, 2010....
What I'm Thinking....motherf%*kers! lol

FRIDAY OCT 8TH 6pm-11pm
The Burners
333 Brodhead Ave
Bethlehem PA
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Where's my hooligans? Hub City Stompers at the Burners 8/20/10
First of all, it's always tough to have a show when another show gets booked a couple of blocks away, as was the case this time. Apparently, a punk show benefit got booked not quite two blocks from the Burners and had a good deal of an overlapping crowd interest, thus splitting people between shows. I can't stand that because neither show ends up having as many people as possible since nobody bothered to make sure there wasn't anything booked already. I don't know who booked the other show so I won't slag them directly and I don't know how aware of our show they actually were, though I'm pretty sure they were aware of it. Still, we had fun.
G~SHOK were the first band up to bat. How to describe them? I'd say a blend of rock and punk attitude coming from college kids' first band. I have no idea if it's their first band but that's what it seemed like. They just went up and played and had a fun time doing so. That matters a lot to me because a lot of bands talk big and act self-important, but these guys didn't seem to take themselves seriously and just rocked out and enjoyed themselves.
VIOLENT SOHO, touring from Australia, came on next for the second show in as many nights at the Burners. I was already receiving texts the night before about how great they were so I was excited to see them. To put it mildly, they did not disappoint at all! This band was massive, playing an aggressive 90's grunge era rock that reminded me a lot of the Pixies. They hammered the crowd with a wall of sound, and really blew everyone away. Really good band and worth checking out if you get the chance the next time they come though.
ONE LAW FOR US played their debut next. Featuring former members of The Cutters, they played the type of Oi!-fueled punk that The Cutters started out playing. They really had their act together and played hard, had fun and made a good showcase for what people can expect from them in the future. Seeing Jay Skin on bass was odd since he'd always been on a mic sans instrument, but he's got the knack for playing and maybe that will keep him and Irish Kev from tripping over each other in the future... maybe... (hahaha, those are my boys, and they know I'm messing with them). I'm sure we will see them back again soon.
THE SNAILS, from Lancaster, set up and got into some straight up old style ska. A breath of fresh air considering that most of the time I see a band of younger folks playing "ska", it's sped up pop-punk oriented stuff with some ska riffs. This is what I prefer to hear... Well-crafted danceable ska tunes highlighted by keyboard rather than horns. Fun stuff, and if you like the old moon-stompin' music, I suggest you check these guys out when you can.
AMREV II were up next. My buddy Ron was playing with them on bass and this was the first time he'd played in this type of band so I was interested to hear how it went. Honestly, I keep forgetting how solid a band AMREV II is, and every time I get to see them, I'm reminded that they are a really good punk / ska band. No, I won't call them ska-punk or ska-core or whatever, because they do a good job of blending the two without falling into the same category as a lot of those carbon copy bands are in. It was cool seeing Ron jamming some new style and he did so with flair (not surprising, the guy is incredible on bass anyway). AMREV II got people dancing and played a fun set for everyone.
HUB CITY STOMPERS topped off the bill, calling out everyone who were for some reason still sitting in the bar by getting into "Where's My Hooligans". If you haven't seen HCS before, you are missing out. Punk, ska, both, more... it's hard to pin them down, really. Just suffice it to say that they are a hell of a good time and that's all that really matters. Going from ska riffs and horns and then blasting into moments of hardcore and punk. People danced, knocked each other around a bit, did the usual goings on at The Burners, and HCS obliged the crowd with a great set. We will definitely be getting them back again in the future, so if you missed this one, you will have another chance to see them play soon enough. We are also planning another benefit show in Newark and will have HCS playing. Details of that will be coming soon.
So that's it. Overall, a good night. The crowd could have been a lot bigger, but the Valley tends to be very hit or miss with turnouts. Hopefully, we will be able to start seeing greater turnouts on a regular basis. Still, the crowd had fun, I had fun and the bands had fun. What more can one really want?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Bad American - Bad American 7 Inch (2010)

Friday, August 20, 2010
Interview with Bad American's Ray Gurz
Monday, August 16, 2010
The motive behind putting on a show for a DIY kid is for the love of the music and to support bands. Money is the driving force for other promoters. A majority of the DIY promoters have been in bands or worked closely with them. This give them the understanding of being a band playing a show. Other promoters typically don’t care about the bands, but more about the size of their wallets once the show is over. Hardcore bands are aware that there isn’t much, if any, money in writing and playing the music they love. Passion is what motivates them. Any money that they can make off of a show normally goes towards travel expenses, merch, and recording. DIY promoters do the best they can to give bands enough and a little more to make the show worthwhile. I’ve heard of a non-DIY venue in the central Pennsylvania area forcing bands to pay to play if they don’t sell enough tickets. The same venue also makes bands do an inventory of their merch before and after the show, taking a percentage of the sales. What fucking horseshit! Non-DIY venues charge more per entry to accommodate for security (which is a topic I will get to in a second), sound techs, bartenders, and doormans’ pay. So how much of the money made in ticket sales do you think the bands really get in a place like that?
As of recently, security at shows has been a large conversation piece in the PAHC scene. Two venues in particular that I have been to within the past few months have had issues with controlling what goes down at their shows. At both places an outside company or group of guys were hired to run security. Both shows ended up with fights between my friends/acquaintances and security with them getting kicked out, and no refund. One was with cops getting called and them being arrested. The situation with the police getting involved WAS in the venue’s hands and not the promoter’s, however. Personally, I feel that shows with hardcore kids running security is a lot more successful than shows ran with hired security. Generally someone attending a show is going to respect a friend or acquaintance doing security over a ‘roid-raging meathead who doesn’t like or understand what goes down at a hardcore show. DIY venues, I have noticed, don’t have as many fights because security doesn’t overreact and put someone in handcuffs for a misunderstanding that could have been resolved verbally. There is a mutual respect at DIY venues. This respect extends itself to the promoters, show-goers, and bands. Barricades are not needed between the band and crowd. This along with no asshole bouncers creates an all around better and more intimate atmosphere. One can relax and enjoy the therapy a good show gives without needless distractions.
So moral of the story is: choose a DIY show and venue and support real hardcore. Avoid empty pockets and run-ins with security guards trying to beat you up for “dancing too hard”. This is our scene. Thanks for reading!
"Why can't EVERY night be like tonight?"
Friday was one of the best shows I've booked in the Valley, if not THE best. Not even because of the lineup, although it WAS rather stellar. No, the reason it was so great is because of the atmosphere that we had throughout the night. From start to finish, we had a solid crowd that was into every band and supported them all. We didn't have the typical irritation of people staying inside the bar all night or hanging around outside while the opening /supporting bands played to an empty room. Even when we had to endure the unfortunate long delay between the first and second band, people were still hanging out upstairs, talking and looking though band merch and being patient. Every band had a great crowd to play to, lots of dancing was happening, everyone just had a lot of fun and that is what this is all about.
Far too often these days, we have shows where people just don't bother to show respect to the bands they don't know by giving them a chance and watching them play. I've never understood that. Not to be "that guy", but when I was a kid and going to shows, I LOVED seeing new bands that I'd never seen before. It didn't matter if they were the first or last band. Yeah, I saw lots of shitty bands play first, and more than once I walked out after a few songs and couldn't take it anymore. But I still at least gave them a shot and gave them the respect I felt they deserved for playing. Those of you who have never been in a band may not understand what it's like to be excited to play a show and spend the time leading up to the show to get ready and be hyped... only to show up and play to 3 people while the rest of the show-goers are standing outside in the parking lot or in the bar ignoring you. Maybe your band sucks, but maybe your band is great. Problem is, only those 3 people are going to know because nobody else bothered to watch. It is heartbreaking and frustrating to be that band, and even though everyone says "we'll play to 5 or 500 people, we don't care", the truth is EVERYONE cares about how many people watch them play. For me, it's a cathartic experience and I'm able to exorcise a lot of personal demons despite the number of people in the room. However, it doesn't bother me as much if the show just has a low turnout. It's knowing that there are a ton of people at the show but the people are too damn selfish to come inside and give you the time of day that bothers me... ESPECIALLY when these same people talk about how they are the hardcore/punk scene and preach respect and unity. These people will shell out 20 bucks at an asshole venue like Crocodile Rock to see some band that is doing a big tour, but they won't pay a meager $5 to see five bands that aren't "big names", let alone drive more than half an hour to see them.
Maybe I'm making a big deal out of it because I talk about this subject a lot with my friends, but I just can't understand that mentality. Friday night, a lot of people saw Rough On Rats for the first time. A band who are local and haven't been around a long time, but are damn good. A lot of other shows, the crowd would miss ROR because they wouldn't bother to see the first band play. This is a real shame. Friday, people didn't spend the entire time in the bar while Ambergris played, instead they got to see just how great their performance was, as it always is. I can't even count how many times I saw a band open a show or be on early that turned out to be a huge band that I hear people say "wow, can you imagine seeing these guys before they blew up?" Yes, I can imagine it because I DID see them play. So many people love the Dropkick Murphys and I saw them when they were the first band on the bill in NJ with Murphys Law and 9 Lives. If that show happened today, imagine how many people would have been standing outside ignoring them play?! How do you know that you aren't missing out on seeing a band you would LOVE while either not going to the show because it isn't "cool" enough or because you were too busy outside chatting or drinking in the bar?
By the way, I am aware that not everyone can go to every show that gets booked. I can't go to a lot because of life responsibilities. However, I make it to what I can, and I book as many as I can. I love putting shows together and I love to see people enjoying themselves at them. i just wish that the majority attitude was "I'm going to go to that show and check out all the bands" instead of "I'm going to go see the hyped band play a show but I'm not wasting my time with whoever else is on the bill". If you were at the show friday, take that feeling you had as each band played and how much fun we all had and bear that in mind next time you get to go to a show. Go check out those bands you don't know. At least give them the courtesy of a song or two before passing judgement. If you're in a band, go to shows other than the ones your band plays, too. I was approached by someone that night to hook his band up at a show soon and the main reason I was happy to do it is because the kid comes out to a ton of shows and supports all the bands.
ok, that's it. No more running on about that subject. Next time I will go on about something else entirely, but friday night was such a shining example of how every show ought to be that I felt it was important to stress this subject. So, 3am, I'm out.
F.O.D. "Home Lobotomy Kit" 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010
Mark Rooster - Reinforce: "One Life Thug Free!"

The second song, "It's Alright To Show Emotion," is more melodic, a fun tune. "A World Away" includes a long break halfway through, with some unusual instrumental noise, before busting back into the sped-up chorus. It's a cool song, and a bit different from what you might be used to hearing from '88-inspired straight edge bands.
"Yeah! We've Got It!" (these guys love exclamation marks) and "Excuses, Excuses" are fun songs, and the Morrissey-inspired "There's a Place in Hell for Me and My Friends" is a brief instrumental blast which leads into "This Is Not the End," an aggressive sing-along that promises more to come.
That more to come turned out to be their only full-length, "Happy Teenagers Do Not Paint Their Rooms Black!" One of the best things Reinforce had going for them was their ability to blend poppy sounds and catchy choruses with traditional straight edge hardcore. I think they went a bit too far with that in their LP, however. Songs like "Scream and Shout," "Katrina," and "Another Stifled Friday Night" aren't bad, but they break up the album in an awkward way, and it doesn't quite flow. Still definitely worth checking out (I said it's my least favorite of theirs, but I've still listened to it many, many times), as is their first EP, "Youth Shall Sing!"
Still, "One Life Thug Free" is the best they put out. A great record, fast, melodic, with positive lyrics, and a few diversions that make Reinforce stand out from other similar bands.
8/13/10 Show at the Burner's

Benefit Show In a Few Hours

Hey guys. Late night post here, because I won't be awake anytime soon to post it before this starts. Today (Saturday 8/14) from 12 to 5, there's a show going on in Newark, NJ that if you're in the area you should definitely go to. It's for a great cause. It's a benefit for Joe Vide, of the MLS Red Bull New York, to help take care of the costs of his chemo to treat Hodgkins Disease. Check it out if you're in the area, and if you can't make it but would like to donate, go to The Friends of Joe Vide and you can donate directly on the website.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Show's Tongiht!!!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Back with a Clearer Vision and a Crew

Another one of my passions is photography. I’ve loved it for many years, but this past year it has become a complete unhealthy obsession. Up until a month ago, I had mainly taken pictures of friends, cities, nature, and cars. I shot shows for a little a few years ago, but stopped. My good friend, Bill Dukes, knew I wanted to get back into shooting live bands, so he asked me to take pictures at his birthday show/fiesta. I had such a blast photographing the show and was quickly reminded of why I loved it before. From that show on I started shooting shows that my friends’ bands were playing and shows that my friends’ were booking. Shortly after that I was asked to be the official photographer for Stay On Point booking, based out of the Phoenixville area, as well as Fistful of Hate online zine and True Blue Promotions. Then along came Rich with a message on Facebook similar to this: “Oh hey, I hope you don’t mind that I used one of your pics for my blog”. We got to talking and eventually he asked me to join his blog and here I am. The End